Restoring History, Sustaining Flight
At the Warbird Factory, we are more than just maintenance experts; we are the guardians of aviation history. Our skilled hands ensure these iconic aircraft continue to soar, while we mentor the next generation of aviation talent, passing on a legacy that spans generations.
Restoring History, Sustaining Flight
At the Warbird Factory, we are more than just maintenance experts; we are the guardians of aviation history. Our skilled hands ensure these iconic aircraft continue to soar, while we mentor the next generation of aviation talent, passing on a legacy that spans generations.
Why Choose The Warbird Factory
Preserving aviation history and ensuring the aircraft at The Warbird Factory continue to fly safely for years to come is part of our mission. We are not owners of these aircraft; we are merely the current curators. With proper care and maintenance, our airplane service can ensure these vintage aircraft will continue to soar through the skies long after we’re gone.

Offering high-quality aircraft repair services at Albany International Airport, The Warbird Factory employs FAA-certified mechanics with hands-on experience in aircraft repair, restoration, and maintenance.

David Prescott, a Navy veteran and founder of the Prescott Foundation, houses a number of warbird aircraft at The Hanger at 743. Prescott’s fondness for aviation began as a hobby when he was a child. He made models with his father and eventually became a pilot. The Hangar at 743 and The Warbird Factory were born out of his passion, and that passion is present in every choice our mechanics make.

The warbirds in our collection were built in the 1930s and 1940s. Since that time, safety regulations, engineering, and mechanics have changed a lot. We aim to repair and restore vintage aircraft with authenticity, but also with an eye toward flying these planes safely for years to come.

Warbird enthusiasts and general aviation pilots from across the country entrust The Warbird Factory with their aircraft. Our mechanics collaborate with the aircraft owners to ensure that all repairs and restorations are up to their standards and done in a way that makes their aircraft more convenient to fly and safer for them to enjoy.
The Warbird Factory Aircraft Repair and Restoration
The Warbird Factory is the maintenance, repair, and restoration facility located at The Hangar at 743. The hangar is next door to the beautifully renovated event venue space, conveniently located beside the runway at Albany International Airport. At The Warbird Factory, trained aircraft technicians can repair warbird aircraft, returning them to full functionality, which allows owners to fly their planes more often and more safely.