It is with great pleasure to announce The Prescott Foundation will be hosting our 3rd annual Wings & Wheels fundraising event. Thank you in advance for your consideration of sponsorship. Our very special Wings & Wheels event gives us the opportunity to continue to inform, inspire and educate our community about The Prescott Foundation mission.
Your organization’s support will assist the Foundation in raising money to help us preserve and maintain our heritage and history of WWII aircraft and artifacts. This will allow people attending our events and visiting The Hangar at 743 to connect with their past, learn about our heroes who were involved in the war, and will preserve living history for generations to come. Further, your generosity will also help us give back to our veterans and our community. Our veterans protect our rights and freedom and provide services to those in need. The Foundation strongly supports them and believes in giving back.
Like the pilot shortage, overcoming the aircraft mechanic shortage is imperative for airlines and freight operators. Your organization’s support will also assist The Prescott Foundation to aid in the funding of A&P Mechanics. Last year we hired 2 journeymen to work towards attaining their A&P license. Working at the Warbird Factory provides lifelong experience with irreplaceable skills and knowledge necessary to keep aircraft flying.
Click here to view our 2023 Sponsorship Letter.

3rd Annual Wings & Wheels: Saturday, June 10, 2023
A community family-friendly event to explore planes, including our WWII aircraft, as well as classic and exotic cars. The event includes food, local vendors, raffles, music, activities for the kids, and much more to be announced.
Thank you!
We appreciate you taking time to review our sponsorship levels and hope that we can count on your help in making this year’s event one of our best yet.